Monday, April 10, 2006

Holy testosterone Batman!

They say the bull shark is loaded with testesterone, more so than any other shark, which is also why it's known to be one of the most aggressive. Well, you can guess who had the testosterone pumping when Keith and two of his friends chased this guy down for two miles or so through the backcountry. Kip pointed out that I was swimming with the big toothy beast just moments before it took Keith's bait, to which I still contend that no shark wants a bite of my scrawny butt. We found a mackeral and a couple blue runners in it's stomach, which I'm sure are much more tasty than Jessica meat. Just hope we haven't created any bad shark ju-ju for future dives.

Update: We couldn't bring ourselves to eat it. It smelled so bad. BUT -- we used him (or her?) as crab bait and we brought in a total haul. Thirty claws or so.

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