Saturday, April 22, 2006

Cheetah, a.k.a. little Stuey

Our cat hates us. Which is why she can usually be found hanging out at the neighbor's house -- either side. First she has two kittens, which were promptly taken to the pound as soon as they were old enough, then a trip to the vet to ensure no more kittens come later, then she gets left outside during Hurricane Wilma, and we return with a blimy German shepherd. "Oh. I see," she said. "It's you again," when Sugar finally came to the Keys for good. The kids tease her, the freakin' dog gets to sleep in all the best spots, and she's over it. UNTIL we bring home fish at the end of the day. Then she delays her plans to kill us all while we sleep and enjoy an assorted melange of sushi. "But I still hate you," she said, "Especially the little one."

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