Saturday, April 22, 2006

For Ana and other patio dwellers

Ana and I comiserate, congratulate, kvetch and wax philosophic -- interrupted with brief finger shaking at our kids -- over the phone, each with a cup of coffee (or glass of wine, depending on the time of day) making sure we get the most out of our free Sprint-to-Sprint over the 2,500 miles between us. She wanted to see what my porch looked like, so she could get a good mental image of where I sit when we talk.

So, dear friend, in the chair with the red cushion, right next to the ficus tree, that's where I steal my moments. And, should you ever make it so far south, that blue chair has your name on it. If I recall, that's the one you liked to sit in when it was still in Missouri, right? (It was in my dining room, un-blue.)

I have rearranged it -- duh, you know that inside joke -- since this photo was taken, to keep some of my plants from frying in the steadily intensifying spring sun, but now maybe you can see me, sort of, during our coffee (wine) talks.

PEE ESS: You might be a redneck if all your neighbors have mounted fish on their decks and you have a deer head.

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