Thursday, July 27, 2006

Ron and Karen

Uncle Ron drove all the way to the airport to get me ... and I wasn't there. You've already heard this story. But no worries, he still hosted a cookout for us before we came home. Ron and Karen are like mother hens. Don't get too worked up about anything and always big hugs to share. And I got to see Fabian and Rachel's new little boy, Fox, and Jenn and Sean showed up too. Sean got lots of pregnant women stories, poor boy. Rub the belly Sean, just rub the belly. Repeat after me, "You're beautiful, honey." Keep repeating for the next seven to 56 months, however long it takes! And mean it, dammit! Dinner, of course, was fabulous. Nothing like good ol' homegrown Missouri ribs. Except maybe mutton snapper, right Ron?

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