Sunday, July 02, 2006


Note and photos from Grandpa...

Ms. Jessica and Mr. Keith:

I am sending a few photos to show you the kids are doing just fine. We dug a few potatoes, went to Jackie and Harold's to see the chicks and slide downtheir slide and of course driving the golf cart. We went swimming too. The kids are doing very well. Patty took them to the drug store and bought each of them a stuffed animal and told them to be real good in the store. Patty said that when they left the woman said, "My, those are really nice kids."Or something like that. Macy is such a sight. Jessica, she will probably be like you in that they may ask you if you want them to move her ahead agrade or two in school. Patty says Macy didn't say she was sad last night. She was probably too worn out to care. Anyway they are beautiful kids. Claire practiced a few times driving the golf cart but ran into the blackberry patch on her maiden flight. She was all upset but got over it and is now wrestling with the boys.

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