Wednesday, May 31, 2006

"Noodlepants" Pillar

These are the victims of Hurricane Wilma and this is these are their stories. (Actually, the story that goes with this photo is posted below, but I just wanted to sound all dramatic and stuff like the TV show.) Note: Just as the experts tell us, proper surivial gear is mandated if you're going to stick out a storm in the Keys. Scott models his state-of-the-art gear, personal floatation device (noodle-seat floatie), waterproof clothing (Hefty garbage bag) and shelf-sustainable foods (Budweiser). Now let's have ourselves a hurricane party!

1 comment:

Sean said...

Hah! I went to school (7th grade through 12th) with Scott " Pilchard" Pillar :)

Do you know if his email address is still or