Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Happy Hurricane Season!

Well, here we are again. May 31 -- All Hurricane Season's Eve. I'm knee deep in, no, not storm surge, but storm coverage. All the authorities are begging with locals to pay attention, take heed, don't be stupid and GET THE HELL OUT when they say to.

Meanwhile, a Marathon attorney, musician and filmmaker is releasing the second edition of "Wilma the Witch," which he craftfully created from his own footage blended with that contributed by many others'. It's, well, as he puts it, the "Rocky Horror" version of a Wilma documentary. I say it has a "Blair Witch" quality too, which is fitting with the title. Anyway, it's my cover story for this week's L'Attitudes. ( The movie, and L'Attitudes, seeks to show true Keys characters and how they function during catastrophes. Are we stupid? Yes. Do we care? No. And while authorities will warn "Katrina" with every foreboding forecast, let me speak on behalf of those of us continually one paycheck away from homelessness in saying, "WE KNOW."

The Summerland "Chevron Gang" handed over the flipside (the name of my weekly column, incidently) of what the rich folks do during a storm. I met Scott Pillar, head photographer and videographer of the gang, after work at the Ramrod Key swimming hole, where he and a few others hang out after work, drink beer and pitch horseshoes. This is one of his shots. On of his friends is doing the Superman in the middle of US 1 as the surge pours over the island. Thanks Scott!

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