Monday, January 08, 2007

Go, go Godzilla!

I told my friend Ana about our exotic invasive species -- the iguana. Fun to see hanging in the mangroves, yes, but not so fun as they strip your hibiscus to a twig in a matter of minutes and leave big poops on the patio. Here's our resident reptile, named Godzilla by the neighbor boy, Thomas.

Invasive species (also called exotic species, bioinvaders): Organisms are introduced into a foreign ecosystem, by humans, either intentionally (e.g., crop plants, feed animals), or unintentionally. Introduced within a strange ecosystem, where the inhabitants are adjusted to each other and their environments, most introduced species die, unless taken care of by humans. But, particularly if ecosystems are already disturbed (e.g., by pollution, global warming) , and particularly in warm climates (no frost), some thrive and become pests.

In laymen's speak, what this means is that someone or someones had pet iguanas and set them free, much like the famed "alligator flush" in the movie, and they -- not having any natural predators and finding the tropical climate much like their own native environment -- multiplied like rabbits. Mmmm. Rabbits.

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