Friday, December 15, 2006

Wine charms

Keith frequently comes home with fun bar goodies from Boondocks, and right before Thanksgiving, brought me a set of wine charms. You know, those little charms you put on wine glass stems so when you're having a party everyone can tell which glass is theirs.

They're from Ravenswood (yum) and one said "No whimpy wahns y'all" and another one said (see photo) "No vinos sin huevos."

So, at our Thanksgiving feast, I proceeded to ask everyone who knew any spanish at all what the heck that's supposed to mean. We determined vinos -- wines, and huevos -- eggs. Wine and eggs ... no wine and eggs?

I sent the photo to Melody, our production goddess at the Keynoter who is from Uraguay, and she said it means "No wines without eggs." I don't understand, I told her. And she repeated it. "No wines without eggs." Then I thought about it. And remembered the southern drawl version stated above. "Is eggs slang for nuts?" I asked. Now I was confusing her. "Balls, testicles," I said. "Oh. Yes," she said.

Mystery solved. No vinos sin huevos. Your fun new phrase of the day.

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