Saturday, March 25, 2006

Seven things I love about me good friend Annie K

1. She's comfortable in her own skin.

2. She doesn't care if honesty is brutal.

3. Her art rocks my world.

4. She has a gap between her front teeth.

5. She has a knack for being aloof and very kind all at the same time.

6. She doesn't get mad when I call and interrupt her afternoon naps.

7. She came with me to the Route 66 festival when we barely knew each other and we pitched a tent in a huge field with a buncha rednecks and had a great time. Neither of us knew we would forge such a great friendship through the haze and craze of lots of great bands and recreational activities. Note to festival goers -- a hippie fest on the Arkansas border is not like Bonnaroo. See next list...

Seven things I learned from the Route 66 festival in Joplin, Mo.:

1. Lynard Skynard is the Greatful Dead of the South. Do not try to get close. Some chick with mall hair and a beak nose will try to gouge your eyes out.

2. When rednecks get drunk in a huge field, they all pile in the back of a pick-up and do donuts.

3. When one falls off and gets run over, a medivac chopper can land in the middle of thousands of tents and intoxicated music lovers.

4. The guy trimming his tree with a chainsaw doesn't give a crap when he saws off a huge limb and it lands on your car.

5. When some drunk rednecks decide to roll their car on its roof and take bats and tire irons to it, do not get involved ... just sit back and enjoy.

6. When the 17 bubba cops roll in to "control the scene" after No. 5 gets reported, again, do not get involved. Watching them scratch their heads and try to act like they know what to do is even funnier than the aforementioned scene.

7. It's the best place to see Jacob Dylan, John Popper and other non-redneck faves. You'll get front row seats while the other idiots are doing donuts in their pick-up trucks.

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