Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Macy sneaks off with a scissors

And this is how Keith found her.

But Mom and Dad were HAPPY

And heard some rockin' good tunes. Even if Macy ended up with the best seat in the house the whole time and Keith came home with a very, very sore back. We were dirty, exhausted and broke when we got home. The true signs of a successful getaway.

But it wasn't all Sunshine Day Dream

An errant octopus balloon landed on us, which was fun for about two seconds -- then the fighting began. So Mr. Octopus made a quick exit, moving on to the next round of heads and hands.

AND we brought paints... (I did the red dots :)

"You don't want what he's handing out"

We saw the Capt. Good Time with his pink hair later on at the Widespread show handing out a tray of ... something. The girls perked up and Keith told them "no way" pretty quickly. Good thing we had smuggled in all those pop rocks.

Euro bungee backflip

Macy barely weighed enough to get higher than maybe five or six feet off the trampoline, but Claire managed to master backflips and everything. Heck, I would have tried it myself if I didn't think those few beers would have come back up!

Fun stuff for KIDS

Langerado's "Kiderado" included a Euro bungee and rock climbing wall. The kids wore out their wristbands on both.

Wood nymph

It wasn't the shining paradise of the Keys in Sunrise (West Broward, inland, Florida) but it did have it's natural charms.


In early March, we finally made it the Langerado music festival in Sunrise. It was our firt "show with the kids." We all survived. There was a New Orleans-style kids parade, glow sticks aplenty, and of course, Widespread was the headliner. Perhaps one of the best moments was when Michael Franti and Spearhead busted into a reggae jam medley of "Sunny Days" -- you know, the Sesame Street theme. Everybody got down. Note to our fellow hippie friends with kids: Opt for the nearby hotel with continental breakfast and pool. Camping is fun, but I'm glad we were able to take showers and smuggle muffins back to the room for cartoons before heading off to the festival each day. I'm not sure any of the photos above need explanation, so enjoy! Oh yeah, to see the lineup and the highlights, visit www.langerado.com. We'd be happy to take you all with us next year!